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How To Hang Out With Your Friends While Quarantining

Writer: AmberAmber

So here you are, quarantined. Missing your friends, eating way too many snacks, and running out of ideas. I'M HERE TO HELP! (Well, I won't be encouraging you not to snack... so I might not actually be helping.) This is a list of things my friends have done (some that we haven't done yet) to help keep us connected during these crazy times. It definitely isn't the same as human contact, but for now it helps! A lot of these ideas overlap each other a bit, just because options to meet digitally are limited.

1. Netflix Party

Before quarantine, I had never heard of this before! It's an extension in your google chrome browser that lets you watch Netflix with your friends! Theres a chat bar on the right that everyone can talk in and you can choose if anyone can pause or play the video, or choose for you alone to do it. The extension is free, but you do need a Netflix subscription to watch. The good news is there's a free trial if you want to play along but can't swing the price. We like to screen-share to our living room tv because we have AppleTv, but it's just as fun on your computer!

It's a really fun way to hang out with your friends from your own homes. (Enjoy this super un-styled photo that represents real life during quarantine).

2. Zoom Meetings

Zoom meetings are awesome because they let you have some *almost* face to face interactions. It's so nice to be able to see and hear your friends together. It's free to have for a large group of people up to 45 minutes, but a subscription to have unlimited meeting length isn't much at all. I think it's totally worth it.

3. Ladies' Night

This is something that could be done over Zoom or Netflix Party! I made cute little baggies of goodies that included a face mask, mug brownie pack, and a tea bag. I wrapped them up to look cute and delivered them to my friend's porches. Then that night we watched a sappy romance movie together while pampering our selves. We had a lot of fun and next time I think we'd enjoy just talking over Zoom while our faces harden from our masks.

4. Game Night

We've done this a couple different ways! One fun way is to play Jackbox Games together over Zoom. If you've never played a Jackbox game before, they are very fun. We typically play these when we have people over to our home normally. They're very fun and are easily played on your TV. (If you have an appleTV you can get the app, you can also get it on most gaming systems.) You go to a website on your phone, type the code on your screen, and you're all connected to the game. We screen shared our iPad to Zoom with the game on it, everyone types in the code on their phones, and can play from their own homes!

Another way we've done this is also through Zoom and we played "The Game Of Things"! It's a really fun game with cards that prompt everyone to write something, and everyone (except whoever moderates the round) guesses who wrote what answer. The way we played was I would draw a card every round (even if it wasn't my turn) because we had the game. Everyone would send their answer in a text to the person whose turn it was, and then that person would put all of those answers in the zoom chat bar so everyone could see them to remember them, but it would stay anonymous.

I think the game "Pass It To The Left" could also work through texting and Zoom. This game is kind of a combination of Telephone and Pictionary. Everyone would need some paper and something to write with. You would have to make a rotation of people's numbers to be sure everyone is texting in a loop. Then each person would write a prompt, text it to the next person, that person would draw what they read, and then take a picture of their drawing and send it to the next person. Until you get through a whole round and see what ridiculous thing your idea has turned in to.

Other game night options can be playing a game over XBOX live together or something similar. I'm not big in to that, but my husband has been loving it! I'm sure there are online games for the computer you could play together as well!

5. Power Point Presentation Party

This one involves a little more prep work from anyone attending, but it certainly does not disappoint. I'd only seen this done in person before, but it translated well into Zoom. Everyone makes a power point (ridiculous or serious, but silly is most fun) ranting, explaining, rambling something you're passionate about. Then everyone presents (business casual attire required) their presentations by either screen sharing over Zoom, or using two devices, one to present on and the other to show you. Either works. The presentations have to be 3 minutes long, and if you go over the limit there are penalties (penalties apply if you don't dress correctly as well)! You can come up with your own penalties, but some that we used were "finish presenting in an accent", "sing the remainder of your presentation", "spin in a circle for the rest of your presentation" and "jump for the rest of your presentation". Every minute over 3 minutes receives an additional penalty. Once everyone presents, you all vote on who did the best! You can reward someone with a digital gift card or (my personal favorite way) a hefty round of applause.

6. Cooking Nights

This idea we haven't officially accomplished yet, but I think it would be very fun for friends that enjoy cooking (or enjoy trying to cook). Everyone would talk over Zoom while cooking the same recipe together and seeing how it turns out. It would be fun to eat your meals together and you could end the night with a Netflix Party!

My friends have done something similar over texting, with a lot of us trying to replicate the infamous whipped coffee trend and sending each other pictures of our attempts.

You didn't ask for my opinion on this, but I think this trend is fun and the taste is good, not great. I guess technically you didn't ask for any of these ideas, BUT HERE WE ARE! haha!

7. Marco Polo

This one is one of my favorites, because its a fun way to talk to your friends through out the day and feel like you've grabbed coffee with them or something. Marco Polo is an app where you can send videos of yourself talking to one another. It's like texting, but with your face and voice. I really enjoy sitting down in my down time and hearing how another friend's day is going. You can have a group of people, or just one on one. I'll probably keep using this out of quarantine just because I've come to love it so much. Being a stay at home mom usually leaves me needing more adult interaction anyway so this is a perfect outlet for that.

I'd love to hear ways that your friends have been keeping up with one another! These are definitely weird times and uncertain days, so I encourage you to reach out to someone if you're feeling lonely! We need each other!

Do you have any fun ideas for virtual community?

Let's be friends!




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